Touchpad madness

Is anyone else having 'mouse' trouble on controlling a laptop touchpad? The cursor becomes uncontrollable. I used to own a floppy disc with these tricks for fun; but this has come to my machine unwelcomed and with malice. I suspect entry-by-cookie; but no system setting or AVG virus scan will detect or get rid of it. As you guessed, I'm no 'SuperUser'. There MUST be a simple toggle somewhere. Paleeeze help.

= Ancient Dell Inspiron 1100 running XP,SP2 = CPU 2.2 Ghz; 256MB RAM

It's hard enough to milk this machine as it is! But it's all I got.

I would find this on hot days when my hands were a bit clammy, or if I'd just been washing dishes and my hands were damp. Once a little bit of moisture got onto the touchpad it would be unusable for ages. My latest computer doesn't seem to have this problem so much.

...or maybe it's because I don't wash dishes any more... ;)