Path too long when deleting from powershell on remote computer

What is the easiest way to delete the file on remote computer with powershell if name longer than 260 chars? I have the following code but I am hitting 260 chars limit.

$s = New-PSSession -computername Server1    
Invoke-Command -session $s -scriptblock 
{Remove-Item "C:\Jenkins\workspace\Long Path with spaces" -force
Remove-PSSession $s

Solution 1:

This is a well-known limitation in Powershell, unfortunatelly.

This question has already been answered in StackExchange, the acepted answer was to use cmd and dir instead, to gather the folders list.

This answer also provided the following reference link : wich basically explains why dir could do the trick in such a case, and showed the following example :

The Dir version is longer since you have to strip the extra information from the results.    

$folders = cmd /c dir C:\Users /s /-c /a:h /a:d
$folders = $folders -match “Directory”
$folders = $folders | %{$_.Replace(“ Directory of ”,“”)}

Solution 2:

Did you try using a wildcard?

Remove-Item "C:\Jenkins\workspace\Long Path with *"

That will delete all files in that folder that start with "Long Path with ".