CMD ping requests not allowing more than 1000 bytes to be sent

I can successfully ping, say, via cmd using:

ping {IP ADDRESS} -T -L 1000

But if I use a packet size greater than "1001" I get a request timed out error. I know that the max amount of bytes I can send out is 65500.

Why is this?

P.S. My Internet is fine and I can access all websites through browsers.

As grawity said in the comments when your packet is larger than the MTU size fragmentation will occur. Because ICMP packets contain very short messages, there is no legitimate reason for ICMP packets to be fragmented. If an ICMP packet is so large that it must be fragmented, something is amiss. For this reason some network administrators will block any ICMP packet that has the More Fragments flag set or that has an offset value indicated in the offset field.


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