Rails after_initialize only on "new"

Solution 1:

Putting the logic in the controller could be the best answer as you stated, but you could get the after_initialize to work by doing the following:

after_initialize :add_product

def add_product
  self.product ||= Product.new

That way, it only sets product if no product exists. It may not be worth the overhead and/or be less clear than having the logic in the controller.

Edit: Per Ryan's answer, performance-wise the following would likely be better:

after_initialize :add_product

def add_product
  self.product ||= Product.new if self.new_record?

Solution 2:

Surely after_initialize :add_product, if: :new_record? is the cleanest way here.

Keep the conditional out of the add_product function

Solution 3:

If you do self.product ||= Product.new it will still search for a product every time you do a find because it needs to check to see if it is nil or not. As a result it will not do any eager loading. In order to do this only when a new record is created you could simply check if it is a new record before setting the product.

after_initialize :add_product

def add_product
  self.product ||= Product.new if self.new_record?

I did some basic benchmarking and checking if self.new_record? doesn't seem to affect performance in any noticeable way.

Solution 4:

Instead of using after_initialize, how about after_create?

after_create :create_product

def create_product
  self.product = Product.new

Does that look like it would solve your issue?

Solution 5:

It looks like you are very close. You should be able to do away with the after_initialize call altogether, but first I believe if your Sport model has a "has_one" relationship with :product as you've indicated, then your Product model should also "belong_to" sport. Add this to your Product model

belongs_to: :sport

Next step, you should now be able to instantiate a Sport model like so

@sport = @product.sport.create( ... )

This is based off the information from Association Basics from Ruby on Rails Guides, which you could have a read through if I am not exactly correct