Is there any way to make a live CD from my current installation?

Remastersys is no longer maintained and UCK as well as Live-Magic aren't exactly what I'm looking for as they remaster a livecd. What I'm aiming for is something like PCLOS's makelivecd so I can have a livecd backup of my Ubuntu 11.10 install.

I'm not really looking for a solution that makes incremental backups either. If anyone is familiar with the Alienware image / respawn DVD's, it is something like that even that I have in mind.

Solution 1:

Relinux is a fork of Remastersys that seems to be actively developed.

Solution 2:

UPDATE November 2015

The new Remastersys is Pinguy Builder and there is also an app called Systemback which I prefer personally. Here is how you can install it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/systemback

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install systemback

UPDATE 05.01.2015

The link I provide in this and other instructions in step 2 does not work anymore. However, I had downloaded the Remastersys files before the website shut down and they can be installed perfectly through Ubuntu Software Center. !! I am not sure if the files are available in Ubuntu Software Center, but if you have them on your computer, they can be installed through it.

This set of instructions helped me install and run successfully remastersys on Ubuntu 14.04.1 32-bit

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T and run

    sudo apt-get install plymouth-x11  
  2. Go to this link and download remastersys version for 32bit or 64bit system

  3. Open Software&Updates (search in Dash or in the System's parametres)

  4. In Software&Updates, go to Other tab and press Add...

  5. Copy/paste this

    deb precise main

    and press OK

  6. Now look for two lines with "" in the list you can find on the Other tab and make sure you check both boxes. Enter a password if you are asked to.

  7. Press Ctrl+Alt+T and run

    sudo -i 
    apt-get install remastersys-gui 
  8. To open remastersys-gui, you always need root priveleges. So do it in the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)

    sudo -i 