view transmission status through cli

I have installed transmission, and i have added a torrent to it, now how will i be able to view the details of the torrents.

i have tried transmission-remote on local system.

m@m-170:/home/m/$ transmission-remote -n transmission:transmission -st

  Uploaded:   None
  Downloaded: None
  Ratio:      None
  Duration:   1 hour, 31 minutes (5478 seconds)

  Started 1 times
  Uploaded:   None
  Downloaded: None
  Ratio:      None
  Duration:   1 hour, 31 minutes (5478 seconds)

and when i view my transmission gui it is currently downloading

how can i see the status, current download and upload speed and also add and remove torrents


i have check an my default username and password is transmission so when i go here


and type username and password, i see the web interface of the transmission, but i dont see the current downloading in the gui.

is there a way in transmission command line, that i can check what is in my gui and its status of my torrents

Solution 1:

I'm using transmission-remote-cli. It is a Curses interface communicating with the Transmission instance (locally or on the net) using the RPC protocol. Check the Debian package.

On server:

sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-daemon transmission-common
mkdir /home/user/torrents
sudo chown -R debian-transmission:debian-transmission torrents

sudo service transmission-daemon stop

sudo vim /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

"download-dir": "/home/user/torrents",
"rpc-authentication-required": true,
"rpc-enabled": true,
"rpc-whitelist-enabled": false,

sudo service transmission-daemon start

On client

yaourt -S transmission-remote-cli
transmission-remote-cli -f ~/.trclirc --create-config
vim ~/.trclirc

password = transmission
username = transmission
port = 9091
host =

Start transmission curses interface with

transmission-remote-cli -f ~/.trclirc