How do I switch off "continuous" mode permanently in Evince?

this is an FAQ on the website for Evince but without any answer. I searched gconf but with no luck. Even on a per document basis, Evince won't remember this setting! I want it to be off. Any help on this?

Open a multi page document and disable it in

View / Continuous

Then try

Edit / Save current settings as default

If that still doesn't do it, you need to install dconf Editor and find the settings below, in

org / gnome / evince / default

I un-checked 'continuous' and it seems to work. I tested a few different PDFs and most worked as expected, without continuous mode. A couple did, but this may be because I had used the first method when changing something else.

Try it and comment again if it still doesn't solve it for you.

dconf-Editor config

Edit file /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.Evince.gschema.xml and look for they key with name continuous. Change the default to false.