Updating http_proxy environment variable

Solution 1:

You can change the http/https/ftp proxy environmental variables using the following commands:

export http_proxy='http://user:password@prox-server:3128'
export https_proxy='http://user:password@prox-server:3128'
export ftp_proxy='http://user:password@prox-server:3128'

as a one-liner:

export {http,https,ftp}_proxy='http://user:password@prox-server:3128'

These will not persist however, so you may wish to add it to your bashrc.

Solution 2:

Changes to /etc/environment requires a restart to take effect. First restart your computer and see if your still facing the same problem.

If the problem still exists, open your ~/.bashrc file and add the proxy entry in this file.

For this to take effect, you have to either restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc