How can I get an interactive shell as another non-root user?

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server, with the default security model (root locked, using sudo to elevate privileges). I occasionally enjoy using sudo -i when I'll need to run a series of commands with elevated privileges, or when I need to rummage around in directories with root-only privileges.

Sometimes, when setting up software that'll run as its own non-privileged system account (adduser --system --group --no-create-home --disabled-login some-daemon-user) I find that I need to run a sequence of commands as that user, rather than myself or root. I've tried using sudo -i -u some-daemon-user, but it just returns a 1 status without any error message.

I've checked the syslog, messages, auth, and debug log files in /var/log and none of them include any messages that reference sudo or the account in question.

So, is it possible to become another non-root user, sudo-style without just setting a password and logging in (as them)? Is my system 'broken' in some way or am I just doing it wrong?

Ahmm.. the problem is that the standard shell of those users is normally set to /bin/false and for security reasons you should not change this. But you can still run for example: sudo -u www-data /bin/sh

sudo -i runs the shell specified by the password database entry of the target user, which is /bin/false for your system user.


 sudo -u some-daemon-user bash


sudo -u some-daemon-user -H bash

if you want to set the $HOME environment variable set for the target user.