How can I get a side-by-side diff when I do "git diff"?

Try git difftool

Use git difftool instead of git diff. You'll never go back.

UPDATE to add an example usage:

Here is a link to another stackoverflow that talks about git difftool: How do I view 'git diff' output with my preferred diff tool/ viewer?

For newer versions of git, the difftool command supports many external diff tools out-of-the-box. For example vimdiff is auto supported and can be opened from the command line by:

cd /path/to/git/repo
git difftool --tool=vimdiff

Other supported external diff tools are listed via git difftool --tool-help here is an example output:

'git difftool --tool=<tool>' may be set to one of the following:

The following tools are valid, but not currently available:

Although Git has an internal implementation of diff, you can set up an external tool instead.

There are two different ways to specify an external diff tool:

  1. setting the GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF and the GIT_DIFF_OPTS environment variables.
  2. configuring the external diff tool via git config

ymattw's answer is also pretty neat, using ydiff

See also:

  • git diff --help

When doing a git diff, Git checks both the settings of above environment variables and its .gitconfig file.

By default, Git passes the following seven arguments to the diff program:

path  old-file  old-hex old-mode  new-file  new-hex new-mode

You typically only need the old-file and new-file parameters. Of course most diff tools only take two file names as an argument. This means that you need to write a small wrapper-script, which takes the arguments which Git provides to the script, and hands them on to the external git program of your choice.

Let's say you put your wrapper-script under ~/scripts/

# un-comment one diff tool you'd like to use

# side-by-side diff with custom options:
# /usr/bin/sdiff -w200 -l "$2" "$5" 

# using kdiff3 as the side-by-side diff:
# /usr/bin/kdiff3 "$2" "$5"

# using Meld 
/usr/bin/meld "$2" "$5"

# using VIM
# /usr/bin/vim -d "$2" "$5"

you then need to make that script executable:

chmod a+x ~/scripts/

you then need to tell Git how and where to find your custom diff wrapper script. You have three choices how to do that: (I prefer editing the .gitconfig file)


    e.g. in your .bashrc or .bash_profile file you can set:

  2. Using git config

    use "git config" to define where your wrapper script can be found:

     git config --global diff.external ~/scripts/
  3. Editing your ~/.gitconfig file

    you can edit your ~/.gitconfig file to add these lines:

       external = ~/scripts/


Similarly to installing your custom diff tool, you can also install a custom merge-tool, which could be a visual merging tool to better help visualizing the merge. (see the page)

See: and

You can also try git diff --word-diff. It's not exactly side-by-side, but somehow better, so you might prefer it to your actual side-by-side need.


Formerly called cdiff, this tool can display side by side, incremental, and colorful diff.

Instead of doing git diff, do:

ydiff -s -w0

This will launch ydiff in side-by-side display mode for each of the files with differences.

Install with:

python3 -m pip install --user ydiff


brew install ydiff

For git log, you can use:

ydiff -ls -w0

-w0 auto-detects your terminal width. See the ydiff GitHub repository page for detail and demo.

Tested in Git 2.18.0, ydiff 1.1.

You can do a side-by-side diff using sdiff as follows:

$ git difftool -y -x sdiff  HEAD^ | less

where HEAD^ is an example that you should replace with whatever you want to diff against.

I found this solution here where there are a couple of other suggestions also. However, this one answer's the OP's question succinctly and clearly.

See the man git-difftool for an explanation of the arguments.

Taking the comments on board, you can create a handy git sdiff command by writing the following executable script:

git difftool -y -x "sdiff -w $(tput cols)" "${@}" | less

Save it as /usr/bin/git-sdiff and chmod +x it. Then you'll be able to do this:

$ git sdiff HEAD^

Extra Tip

As suggested in comments you can use icdiff to do what sdiff does with colored output:

$ more /usr/bin/git-sdiff
git difftool -y -x "icdiff --cols=$(tput cols)" "${@}" | less