With Capybara, how do I switch to the new window for links with "_blank" targets?

Capybara >= 2.3 includes the new window management API. It can be used like:

new_window = window_opened_by { click_link 'Something' }
within_window new_window do
  # code

This solution only works for the Selenium driver

All open windows are stores in Selenium's


Which seems to be an array. The last item is always the window that was most recently opened, meaning you can do the following to switch to it.

Within a block:

page.within_window new_window do

Simply refocus for current session:


Referenced on the capybara issues page: https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara/issues/173

More details on Selenium's window switching capabilities: http://qastuffs.blogspot.com/2010/10/testing-pop-up-windows-using-selenium.html

This is now working with Poltergeist. Although window_handles is still not implemented (you need a window name, i.e. via a JavaScript popup):

within_window 'other_window' do
  current_url.should match /example.com/

Edit: Per comment below, Poltergeist now implements window_handles since version 1.4.0.

Capybara provides some methods to ease finding and switching windows:

facebook_window = window_opened_by do
  click_button 'Like'
within_window facebook_window do
  find('#login_email').set('[email protected]')
  click_button 'Submit'

More details here: Capybara documentation

I know this is old post, but for what its worth in capybara 2.4.4

within_window(switch_to_window(windows.last)) do 
    # in my case assert redirected url from a prior click action
    expect(current_url).to eq(redirect['url'])