Kibana doesn't show any results in "Discover" tab

I setup elasticsearch and Kibana for indexing our application (error) logs. The issue is that Kibana doesn't display any data in the "Discover" tab.

Current situation

  • Elasticsearch is up and running, responds to API
  • executing a query directly on Elasticsearch like* returns lots of results (see below on how a single found record looks like)
  • Kibana is up and running, even finds the applogs index exposed by Elasticsearch
  • Kibana also shows the correct properties and data type of the applogs documents
  • "Discover" tab doesn't show any results...even when setting the time period to a couple of years...

Any ideas??

Here's how Kibana sees the applogs index:

enter image description here

Elastic search query result object looks like this:

_index: "applogs",
_type: "1",
_id: "AUxv8uxX6xaLDVAP5Zud",
_score: 1,
_source: {
   appUid: "esb.Idman_v4.getPerson",
   level: "trace",
   message: "WS stopwatch is at 111ms.",
   detail: "",
   url: "",
   user: "bla bla bla",
   additionalInfo: "some more info",
   timestamp: "2015-03-31T15:08:49"

..and what I see in the discover tab:

enter image description here

For people who have a problem like this:

Change time frame in top right corner.

By default it shows data only for last 15 min.

I wanted to put this as a comment but unfortunately, I am not able to given my deficient repo to do so. So as @Ngeunpo suggested, this is how you add a time field to an index while creating it:enter image description here. If you did not do that while creating your index, I suggest you delete that index and recreate it. The index name logstash-* in the gif is analogous to your index applogs. In this case, field @timestamp is added as the time field. Let me know if this works.

EDIT: Image courtesy: This wonderful ELK setup guide

Kibana does not understand the timestamp field, if it's format is incorrect.Timestamp, which you selected by clicking on Time-field name when Configure an index pattern, need to be :

"timestamp":"2015-08-05 07:40:20.123"

then you should update your index mapping like this:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/applogs/1/_mapping' -d'
  "1": {
    "timestamp": {
      "enabled": true,
      "type": "date",
      "format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS",
      "store": true

See this question and answer


If you are using ES 2.X, you can set the "format" to "epoch_millis" like this:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/applogs/1/_mapping' -d'
  "1": {
    "timestamp": {
      "type": "date",
      "format": "epoch_millis",
      "store": true,
      "doc_values": true