How to repair COMException error 80040154?

To find the DLL, go to your 64-bit machine and open the registry. Find the key called HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{681EF637-F129-4AE9-94BB-618937E3F6B6}\InprocServer32. This key will have the filename of the DLL as its default value.

If you solved the problem on your 64-bit machine by recompiling your project for x86, then you'll need to look in the 32-bit portion of the registry instead of in the normal place. This is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\{681EF637-F129-4AE9-94BB-618937E3F6B6}\InprocServer32.

If the DLL is built for 32 bits then you can use it directly on your 32-bit machine. If it's built for 64 bits then you'll have to contact the vendor and get a 32-bit version from them.

When you have the DLL, register it by running c:\windows\system32\regsvr32.exe.

I had the same issue in a Windows Service. All keys where in the right place in the registry. The build of the service was done for x86 and I still got the exception. I found out about CorFlags.exe

Run this on your service.exe without flags to verify if you run under 32 bit. If not run it with the flag /32BIT+ /Force (Force only for signed assemblies)

If you have UAC turned you can get the following error: corflags : error CF001 : Could not open file for writing Give the user full control on the assemblies.

Console output


The possible workaround is modify your project's platform from 'Any CPU' to 'X86' (in Project's Properties, Build/Platform's Target)


The VSS Interop is a managed assembly using 32-bit Framework and the dll contains a 32-bit COM object. If you run this COM dll in 64 bit environment, you will get the error message.