Does PyCharm support Jinja2?

In the pro edition, these template languages:

  • Jinja2
  • Django
  • Mako

are supported. You can configure the template language in the project's settings:

In Python Template Settings the template langauge is set to Jinja2

The community edition may lack certain template languages.

I think it's worth to mention that PyCharm Community edition does not support Jinja2, Mako and Django. It's available only in PyCharm Professional.

See comparison of the two.

enter image description here Yes pro edition from pycharm does support Jinja2 to enable it go here

From File open Settings and search for python template under Languages & Frameworks Select Python Template Languages from there Click HTML And Select Jinja2 as Template Language.

please see the image for better understanding.

If you are using .jinja extension instead of .jinja2, it won't work, templates are not highlighted.

You have to add the file extension to the filetypes section.

  • Preferences > General > Filetypes
  • Scroll to Jinja 2 Template
  • Register new pattern by clicking +, add *.jinja

enter image description here