How to set radio button status with JavaScript

Solution 1:

Very simple

radiobtn = document.getElementById("theid");
radiobtn.checked = true;

Solution 2:

the form

<form name="teenageMutant">
  <input value="aa" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles"/>
  <input value="bb" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles"/>
  <input value="cc" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles" checked/>

value="cc" will be checked by default, if you remove the "checked" non of the boxes will be checked when the form is first loaded.


now value="aa" is checked. The other radio check boxes are unchecked.

see it in action:

You may do the same using the form id and the radio button id. Here is a form with id's.

<form id="lizardPeople" name="teenageMutant">
  <input id="dinosaurs" value="aa" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles"/>
  <input id="elephant" value="bb" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles"/>
  <input id="dodoBird" value="cc" type="radio" name="ninjaTurtles" checked/>

value="cc" is checked by default.


now value="aa" with id="dinosaurs" is checked, just like before.

See it in action: