Nautilus statusbar visibilty - Quickly check free space

In prior versions, I would open Nautilus and check the statusbar, which would tell me how much free space there is. Now, the statusbar isn't shown by default. I know you can enable it from the View menu, but 99% of users won't do that (and I'd rather not do that, if possible). So, is there some new recommended way to keep tabs on hard drive usage? Or is there maybe some other method that I should have been using in the past but never noticed?

Solution 1:

Good ol' right-click an empty area in Nautilus, then select Properties.

Solution 2:

Click on your Dash Home and type Disk Usage Analyzer. On the Disk Usage Analyzer and click Scan Home to scan your hard disk for usage.You will see how your disk is been used by your system.

Solution 3:

There are lots of ways to find out how much hard disk space is available.

  • Disk Usage Analyzer

  • Terminal commands

  • System Monitor

  • Conky

or a number of other utilities.

But I don't think any of them are going to be as simple as checking the status bar in a Nautilus window.

Solution 4:

Using dconf-editor or gsettings (sudo apt-get install dconf-tools) you can enable the default behavior of the status bar.

Type this on your terminal to enable the status bar by default

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.window-state start-with-status-bar true

Type this on your terminal to disable the status bar by default

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.window-state start-with-status-bar false