Avro Bengali keyboard switches to Malay (Jawi) after upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04

I upgraded one of my machines to Ubuntu 17.04. May be it is related, may be it is not, but for this machine, Avro Bengali keyboard switched to Malay (Jawi) after upgrade.

My other two machines, running Ubuntu 16.04 are working fine.

Please see these self explanatory screenshots.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I tried removing and re-adding the keyboard, uninstalling and reinstalling the keyboard without any avail.

Whenever, I switch to Avro keyboard, I get texts in Arabic.

This seems to happen because of the new XKB symbols file bn which was created as a fix of this bug. As far as I can tell that file is redundant, since the name of the layout - Malay (Jawi) - is already present in the symbols file my. Currently there are two entries named Malay (Jawi) in the list of input sources.

Anyway, removing or renaming the bn symbols file seems to fix this issue.

cd /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols
sudo mv bn bn.bak


I filed this bug, which has been accepted and will affect version 2.21 of xkb-data.

Edit II:

The issue is also about to be fixed in v2 of ibus-avro.

Edit III:

It seems moving the file make wayland session on latest Ubuntu inaccessible. Also the developers of ibus-avro suggested another workaround which fixes the issue without interfering with wayland session. This is documented here

In short, you need to edit the file at /usr/share/ibus/component/ibus-avro.xml

sudo vim /usr/share/ibus/component/ibus-avro.xml

On line 20, change




Save the file and restart your session.