How to add right click Print option to libreoffice files in Nautilus

Solution 1:

enter image description here

Once potential solution is to use nautilus-actions to create a right-click menu option in nautilus.

Unfortunately, the version in oneiric causes a segmentation fault. One good third-party PPA you could use is described in this answer.

An alternative is to download the 32bit or 64bit .deb package from the precise repository and install this (sudo dpkg -i [deb-package-name].deb)

to install

Copy and paste line by line the following in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dr3mro/nautilus-actions-extra
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nautilus-actions

Now launch the config tool:


Create a new action called Libreoffice Print

enter image description here

Then enter the the command libreoffice with the parameters -p %F as per this image.

Hint: If you want't you can enter -p %M instead and select Appears if selection has multiple files or folders. Then you can select and print multiple files.

Another Hint: You might want to ristrict the entry to LibreOffice files. So enter **.odt* as filename condition.

enter image description here

nautilus refresh

Although I'm not not sure why - if you install the package nautilus-refresh then the nautilus-actions sub-menu is combined with the standard right-click menu option as per the first image in this answer.

sudo apt-get install nautilus-refresh

Save. Run the following for the new menu option to take effect.

nautilus -q