How do I install Adobe Air using "Ubuntu Software Centre"

How to install Adobe AIR on Ubuntu 13.10

Instructions for Ubuntu 13.10

How to install Adobe AIR on Ubuntu 10.10

I have looked into this and on the official Adobe Air 2 page for Linux, 64-bit binaries are not available, although 32-bit should work fine.

Try going through the steps on this page here:

Although they are intended for 9.04, I can't see why this wouldn't work on 10.10.

If following those steps don't work, try this article on OMG!Ubuntu!:

How to install Adobe Air in Ubuntu 13.10

There are 2 ways to install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 13.10.

  1. Install it using wine
  2. Install it using outdated Linux installer.

Using wine

The easyest way is to use Playonlinux. Please note that some functions will not work.

Outdated Linux Installer

Please note that adobe AIR is no longer officially supported. Installing it requires an enormous amount of hacking which can make your system unstable.


Adobe AIR depends on the ia32-libs package. However, that package was dropped for Ubuntu 13.10. This should not be a problem because there are other packages that do the exact same thing, however, older software thinks this is a problem. With .deb packages, you can just repackage them and remove the ia32-libs dependency. Seeing as this installer is a .bin blob, the only way to do it is to install ia32-libs manually.

Download the ia-32-libs package from the raring repository and install it manually:

Other dependencies

use the "Get Libs" utility. to grab the 32-bit libraries that your package manager will not allow to co-exist with your 64-bit ones.


Install "Get Libs" and grab our libraries.

sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb
sudo getlibs -l
sudo getlibs -l

Install the required package dependencies.

sudo apt-get install libhal-storage1 libgnome-keyring0 lib32nss-mdns

Make a symbolic link between the 32-bit libraries installed by Get Libs, and the location they are expected to be found in. (one of these two might not work on your system, I'm not sure which one)

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

Actual adobe AIR installation

Download the Adobe AIR installer:


Make it excecutable

chmod +x ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin

And finally, Install Adobe AIR itself

sudo ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin

source: source:

The partner repository has been causing trouble recently to some users when installing Adobe Flash, because the connection times out and the installation is interrupted. So I suspect you are experiencing the same problem in regard to Adobe Air. Try again later or download the deb file from Adobe directly.

Go to the Adobe Air download page, and select the .deb version in the pull down menu, let it download and install like you would any other .deb file.

Here is a howto explaining how to install 32bit Adobe Air, on 64bit Ubuntu.... It doesn't look like here is an easier way to do it.