Embed a Powerpoint in a Web Page

Is there any way to embed a PowerPoint slide show in an HTML page using just the standard tags etc? I tried using a iframe, but that just results in the PowerPoint being downloaded.

<iframe src="Chapter1.pptx">Your browser does not support.</iframe>

I am looking for a way to show the slide show using only standard stuff. I realize I could use google docs or flash or something, but I'd rather have a simple implementation.

Does the web just not know how to process a PowerPoint presentation?

Solution 1:

Plain and simple...this is the best method to embed any Microsoft or Adobe file into a HTML website.

<iframe src='https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=[https://www.your_website/file_name.pptx]' width='100%' height='600px' frameborder='0'>

Solution 2:

Just to update this question - as there is a new way to embed Powerpoints in a web page. If you have an account on OneDrive, do the following using Powerpoint Online (accessing Powerpoint via the browser) to embed a Powerpoint:

  1. Click 'File', then 'Share', then 'Embed' Share Powerpoint
  2. Click the 'Generate' button to generate HTML code to be embedded Generate HTML
  3. Copy the 'Embed Code' and paste it in the HTML of a website Copy Embed Code