Embed a Powerpoint in a Web Page
Is there any way to embed a PowerPoint slide show in an HTML page using just the standard tags etc? I tried using a iframe, but that just results in the PowerPoint being downloaded.
<iframe src="Chapter1.pptx">Your browser does not support.</iframe>
I am looking for a way to show the slide show using only standard stuff. I realize I could use google docs or flash or something, but I'd rather have a simple implementation.
Does the web just not know how to process a PowerPoint presentation?
Solution 1:
Plain and simple...this is the best method to embed any Microsoft or Adobe file into a HTML website.
<iframe src='https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=[https://www.your_website/file_name.pptx]' width='100%' height='600px' frameborder='0'>
Solution 2:
Just to update this question - as there is a new way to embed Powerpoints in a web page. If you have an account on OneDrive, do the following using Powerpoint Online (accessing Powerpoint via the browser) to embed a Powerpoint:
- Click 'File', then 'Share', then 'Embed'
- Click the 'Generate' button to generate HTML code to be embedded
- Copy the 'Embed Code' and paste it in the HTML of a website