Can you use the membership provider in a windows application?

The Asp.Net membership provider has some clear uses in a web app. I am thinking about trying to leverage some of the features in a windows application (more specifically WPF). Does anyone know if it is possible to use the core features in a windows app? I am mostly just looking for it to create my database tables, and maintain users, roles, and profiles. I obviously do not need to use the built-in web controls (e.g. Login).

Yes. Membership, roles and profiles are all features of Visual Studio 2008 Client Application Services (Services tab of a project properties)

I have a winform app that talks to DotNetNuke (DNN). DNN uses the membership provider, so the source will work for other apps that use that membership provider as well. It's a very simple app, so you should be able to read the source easily.

You should be able to adapt the source to work with WPF.

Yes, you can.

All the configuration can be done within app.config instead web.config of