Respect the lowercase and uppercase letters when getting a mysql data [duplicate]

I would like to know how can i respect lowercase/uppercase letters when getting an information from a mysql server(phpmyadmin exactly), here is the working code, i made a register/login script and i would like to add it.

def checkLogin():
    global windowOpened
    getmail = emailEntry.get()
    getpass = passwordEntry.get()
    sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = %s AND password = %s"
    mycursor.execute(sql, [(getmail), (getpass)])
    results = mycursor.fetchall()
    if results:
        for i in results:
            messagebox.showinfo("Succes", "Logged in succesfully!")
            windowOpened = 0
            messagebox.showinfo("Error", "Email or password are incorrect.")

if i enter the password full uppercase, it is still correct, even if the password is full lowercase.

Solution 1:

You should use BINARY to make your query case-sensitive:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = BINARY %s AND password = BINARY %s