How does Cold Blooded work?

The Wizard's Cold Blooded passive says "Cold damage dealt to chilled and frozen targets is increased by 20%". While 'frozen' is pretty obvious (although there aren't many ways to freeze targets) 'chilled' is a bit less obvious. What specifically qualifies as a debuff to allow for this bonus damage?

For example, the reduced movement speed from the Ice Armor Chilling Armor rune specifically says the targets become chilled, but Ray of Frost's effect seems to do the same thing but doesn't say that...are they treated the same? How can I tell what qualifies?

Solution 1:

It has yet to be officially confirmed, but people's experience has indicated that anytime a blue effect is applied to a target and it is snared, that is considered "Chilled", and Cold Blooded will apply additional damage. This means that skills that do not officially mention "Chilled" will still apply it, such as Blizzard and Ray of Frost.

This can be confirmed by looking at the Ray of Frost damage with Cold Blooded as a passive - the first hit should do substantially less damage than subsequent hits.