New posts in diablo-3-wizard

What is the range of the Wizard's Disintegrate spell in yards?

Where can I find a firing squad (for Time Takes Its Toll and A Forceful Rebuke)?

Why do Wizards use 1-hand weapons if 2-hand weapons hit harder?

What increases a Wizard's arcane power regeneration?

Diablo 3 Wizard sparkflint familiar rune + conflagration?

Why doesn't magic weapon have a buff indicator? [duplicate]

What skills/passives proc Tal Rasha stacks, but are not cast for Etched Sigil?

How does Bane of the Trapped stack with Time Warp?

Does the Wizard Talent Conflagration work with weapons with +Fire Damage?

Why is my Wizard taking so much damage?

Can Frost Nova with Shatter result in more than two Frost Novas?

When would I use Arcane Strike instead of Disintegration Wave?

Surviving Inferno Spiderlings in Act 1

Build defense or damage in order to survive against unique monsters in Inferno?

When would I use Venom Hydra over Mammoth Hydra, and vice versa?

Does the damage from Slow Times rune 'Time Warp' stack with multiple Slow times?

Wizard - What is the Purpose of Teleport?

Do Spectral Blades - Healing Blades get a bonus penalty in inferno?

Do mirror images benefit from the increased damage of Slow Time: Time Warp?

What skill gives the greatest knockback for a wizard?