Disk space analyzer that can read du output

Solution 1:

The Python tool tkdu does this, mostly. It has only the treemap, and requires a specific du format (du -ak). I use it to view du-generated reports created on headless Linux servers on Windows and OS X clients.

It appears the original web site is unavailable (archived). You can also get the original version, as well as one with a few minor improvements, from my fork on GitHub (original version).

The original version has a few drawbacks I fixed, including limited du report support: Only on Linux (and OS X?) could it read du output supplied via standard in (e.g. tkdu.py < du-ak-report.log). I added the ability to accept plain and gzipped files containing du output when dropped onto the script file (Windows Explorer) and as command-line argument (everywhere).

My fork has a few quirks, not sure whether they appy to the original as well:

  • Observed on Windows: you need to middle-click to zoom out (IIRC I fixed the original's equivalent issue on OS X, which broke behavior on Windows).
  • Observed on Windows: When double-clicking the title bar to maximize, you might zoom into a subtree. Safer to click the maximize button.