Where are the volume mixer startup options? Is there in regedit?

I want to know where the initial volume of the windows mixer is located.

Okay, so your question wasn't clear to me initially so I probably provided way too much detail below but I'll leave that as bonus material I suppose in case you find that helpful.

To control the default volume level of the Windows 10 Volume Mixer I've provided a method below that doesn't require registry hacks and I confirmed works just fine.

Basically you'll download the tool, copy it to a folder as explained in the below referenced material, and then create a simple batch script with the logic in it as I put in the below Batch Script Example. You'll then create a Windows Task Scheduler task to run it to adjust the volume per the setting you specify at logon, startup, and so on. Each time the task is triggered the volume will adjust accordingly.

Batch Script Example

Note that the value of 0 means the lowest volume setting as described below and the path is the path as described below as well. You'll need to make adjustments to these parts for your particular needs.

"C:\Program Files\Nircmd\nircmd.exe" setsysvolume 0

Task Scheduler

  • You can probably place the batch file in the startup folder and see if that'll suit you need; otherwise, you can use Windows Task Scheduler and schedule the batch file and put a trigger on it for executing it On connection to user session and At log on.
  • List item
  • enter image description here

Nircmd - Download and Volume Settings

Using this utility we can achieve the goals of both volume control setting and muting. Download the utility at Nir's Web site. It is a ZIP file. I simply created a folder in my Program Files folder called SetVol and unzipped the contents into it.

"G:\Program Files\SetVol\nircmd.exe" setsysvolume 0

substituting the correct drive letter for your system. This example sets the system volume to zero.

This table shows some common volume level percentages and the value to use for the nircmd shortcut. It is based on a maximum volume level value of 65,635 units.

enter image description here



Where are the volume mixer startup options? Is there in regedit?

In addition to the Windows 10 Volume Mixer being in this location: C:\Windows\System32\SndVol.exe (or %windir%\System32\SndVol.exe),

  • enter image description here

you can follow the below instructions referenced on the steps to follow to edit the registry for enabling the older GUI of Windows Volume Mixer.

How to enable the old Volume control in Windows 10

To restore the old volume applet in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Open Registry Editor.

  2. Go to the following Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MTCUVC

Tip: See how to jump to the desired Registry key with one click.

Create the MTCUVC subkey if you do not have it.

  1. Create a new 32-bit DWORD value named EnableMtcUvc and leave its value as 0.

enter image description here

  1. Sign out and log in back to your Windows account. Alternatively, you can just restart the Explorer shell. Actually, for many users this tweak works instantly, so try to click the speaker systray icon first.


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