How to open new terminal in current directory?

When in a directory, I sometimes want another terminal to be opened in the same directory.

For example, I'm in ~/code/someproject/src/, and I open a new terminal, by default, it opens in ~, how do I launch a new terminal in the current directory?

I'm running Arch Linux with urxvt as my terminal and i3 as my window manager.

There is a very informative thread over in the i3-faq forum that has various scripts/programs that tackle this very issue.

I went for the c program xcwd which really does a great job. It also works from within GUI programs.

when you launch a terminal from within a existing terminal, the original terminal's environment will be preserved including current working directory and any other environment variables that you have set. This is why urxvt & works

Somewhat similar to simotek's answer:

I use st, which, like many other terminal emulators opens a new terminal in the current working directory if run from command line.

An alias like: alias opennewterm="st >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown" opens a terminal in the current directory and doesn't block the terminal.

If you're using zsh, you can bind that to a keyboard shortcut by putting the following in your .zshrc:

bindkey -s "^[n" "opennewterm\n"

which types opennewterm and a newline when Alt+n is pressed.