What to call the lump on skin from mosquito bite?

What word can I use to describe the small lump on the skin seen after a mosquito bite?

Solution 1:

Technical terms aside, the most common phrase used to describe this is just mosquito bite.

I got a mosquito bite yesterday. It really itches.

Solution 2:

It is a wheal:

A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns.

Note: It is not just a technical/medical term; see these websites that also use the word:


Mosquito World

How Stuff Works

Wise Geek

Solution 3:

I would call this a welt. My impression is that this word is reasonably common and would be readily understood, much more so than weal.

Oddly, as tchrist pointed out in a comment on another answer, the OED doesn't really have this definition. The closest seems to be welt, n.1 definition 4c: A ridge on the flesh, esp. the mark of a healed wound; a seam. Could this be a British-American divide? (I'm a native American English speaker.)