What is a word describing a “long-lasting memory” of someone?

What noun in English is the best for describing the essence of a long-lasting memory that some person (e.g. spiritual leader or famous musician) leaves after himself? Is it perpetuation, or commemoration, or maybe heritage, or record, or some other word? I know the word notoriety meaning ill fame, but I don’t know any word for the good one.

Solution 1:


something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past (m-w)

"To leave a legacy" is a common way to refer to an individual having a great impact on future generations. Unqualified it connotes a positive impact, but it can be modified with a negative term (like "legacy of conflict") to refer to a negative impact as well.

Solution 2:

"immortality" comes to mind. In addition to "the quality or state of being immortal" it also means:

enduring fame. TFD, "lasting fame" MW, the quality or state of someone that will never be forgotten.

  • He found immortality through his films.
  • Some people want to achieve immortality through their works.

Solution 3:

"indelible" meaning something that cannot be erased (by the passage of time.)

A synonom would be "ineffaceable" (edit - which is unrelated to "ineffable" .)