What's the word for someone who always likes being different?

Solution 1:

Maverick is the obvious choice, but since you want a derogatory connotation, how about

  • wannabe-maverick, faux-maverick, pseudo-maverick, quasi-maverick, mom-can-i-be-a-maverick, maverick-in-vogue, fashionable maverick, trendy maverick, hipster maverick?

Oxymorons are always good for that — they can connote stupidity, and there's your derogatory sense.

It's not a word, but one funny saying comes to mind:

  • That no one understands you doesn't make you an artist.

Solution 2:

How about contrarian as defined in dictionary.com?

"a person who takes an opposing view, especially one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters".


"a contrary or obstinate person (as modifier): a contrarian investor ; contrarian instincts."

Solution 3:

Since you are looking for terms of a disapproving nature, I would call them abrasive or flakes or attention whores but that's just a personal choice.

Some other descriptive terms are:


a person who refuses to conform, as to established customs, attitudes, or ideas.


someone who does not seem to belong to a group or is not accepted by a group,because of being different in some way.


a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming, especially one having beliefs thatare unusual but harmless.

Solution 4:

> people that only use Linux
> only listen to Death Metal
> only watch cult movies with the sole motive of being NOT mainstream

Dude, that's totally me, I mean what's wrong with that?!

All joking aside, I can't believe hipster has only been mentioned twice in this thread, once as a comment and the other as an adjective. If you replaced Linux with Mac OS X and death metal with indie music, then you'd have three qualifiers that perfectly describe a hipster, and it is also a negative connotation.

Another negative connotation is anti-conformist, which though I don't self-identify as, fits me too well.

Solution 5:

I think you might be looking for the word 'iconoclast'.