Single word for random selection

I want a word that means "Selected from the pool/set" - randomness is implied but not necessary. What is a good word for this?

It would be used in a sentence like:

The parameter is selected from the set and used in the experiment.

I want one phrase for selected from the set so that it can be used to form a terminology.

Solution 1:

You could say:

A parameter is drawn and used in the experiment.

The definition for this use of draw is "to hold a drawing, lottery, or the like: to draw for prizes." The connotation is that a drawing is a random picking of the "winner." I think I would change the article from The (definite article) to A (indefinite article), though. Also, it needs to be clear from what preceded this sentence that there was a set from which this particular parameter was drawn.

Solution 2:

We select an arbitrary parameter from the set.

Solution 3:

"random" is the appropriate and usual term.

If you must use another, blind can be an alternative, which is also technically recognized and applied, as in blind study.