Word for sadness at something ending, but excited about new

Is there a word that describes the combination of feeling sad for an ending of something, but excited at new prospects. The closest I had was "bittersweet change"


1) At the end of a holiday, I'm excited to go back home, but sad that the holiday is coming to an end.

2) I'm coming to end of my placement year job and sad that it's coming to an end, but excited that I'm going back to university.

I hope this satisfies the requirements of the QA here, if not, comment for me to correct.

Solution 1:

ambivalent 1. Simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations.

You might also say you have mixed feelings about it.

Solution 2:

Bittersweet is concise. Bittersweet conveys both emotion and the polarity of the situation in one word.