HP G8 migrate RAID0 to RAID1 with CLI commands

Solution 1:

The problem is that with the first command you create a new logical drive - when finished you will have two LDs, each containing one disk.

What you need to do instead is add the unassigned disk to the original RAID0 LD and then invoke the modify command.

In other words:

ctrl slot=0 ld=1 add drives=allunassigned

And then:

ctrl slot=0 ld=1 modify raid=1

Also consider increasing the rebuild priority before the above steps with:

ctrl slot=0 modify rebuildpriority=high

That should work.

Solution 2:

Based on the further info and the fact that the raid controller doesn't have a battery installed I suggest you take a completely different path.

The controller you have - B120i - is not a full hardware RAID, it's more like a hardware assisted software RAID. There is very little advantage in using these "FakeRAID" cards over pure software RAIDs. It's not any faster and is less flexible.

So to solve your problem I would do the following:

  • Install the 2nd disk and present it a s normal disk (non-RAID) to the OS
  • Create a degraded RAID1 array on that one disk - degraded means that one of the two RAID1 disks is missing, that's fine.
  • Copy everything across from the original disk to the new one.
  • Boot from the new one
  • Remove the old RAID0 array, present the 1st disk to the OS
  • Attach it to the software RAID1 array and let it synchronise.

Job done :)