Script to do Windows Update on windows server 2003

Depends on how you want to do. If you want a more batch-style, psexec method, you need to look into a shareware CLI utility I have seen before. To be honest, I have never tested it myself, wuinstall. I see some articles from Windows-type IT mags, so I doubt you will be the first guy. There is a freeware and pro version, but I cannot say what the licensing restrictions are.

If you can get over the scripting, I know this Winboxen sysadmin lucifist wrote a PowerShell script to do what you are looking for.

# Windows Update through Powershell (No Forms) v1.0 ######################################################################################################################################
Write-host "Starting Update Process..." -foregroundcolor blue
Write-host ""
$UpdateSession = New-Object -com Microsoft.Update.Session 
$UpdateSearcher = $UpdateSession.CreateupdateSearcher() 
$SearchResult =  $UpdateSearcher.Search("IsAssigned=1 and IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0")
$UpdateLowNumber = 0 
$UpdateHighNumber = 1 
$NumberofUpdates = $searchResult.Updates.Count

while ($UpdateHighNumber -le $NumberofUpdates) {
$UpdatesToDownload = New-Object -com Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl 
$Update = $searchResult.Updates.Item($UpdateLowNumber) 

if ($Update.EulaAccepted -eq 0) {$Update.AcceptEula()} 

$Downloader = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader() 
$Downloader.Updates = $UpdatesToDownload 

$UpdatesToInstall = New-Object -com Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl 

$Title = $update.Title 
$KBArticleIDs = $update.KBArticleIDs
$SecurityBulletinIDs = $update.SecurityBulletinIDs
$MsrcSeverity = $update.MsrcSeverity
$LastDeploymentChangeTime = $update.LastDeploymentChangeTime
$MoreInfoUrls = $update.MoreInfoUrls

Write-host "Installing Update $UpdateHighNumber of $NumberofUpdates"
Write-host "Title: $Title"
if ($KBArticleIDs -ne "") {Write-host "KBID: $KBArticleIDs"}
if ($SecurityBulletinIDs -ne "") {write-host "Security Bulletin: $SecurityBulletinIDs"}
if ($MsrcSeverity -eq "Critical") {Write-host "Rating: $MsrcSeverity" -foregroundcolor red} else {Write-host "Rating: $MsrcSeverity"}
if ($LastDeploymentChangeTime -ne "") {Write-host "Dated: $LastDeploymentChangeTime"}
if ($MoreInfoUrls -ne "") {Write-host "$MoreInfoUrls"}

$Installer = $UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller() 
$Installer.Updates = $UpdatesToInstall 
$InstallationResult = $Installer.Install()
Write-host "--------------------------------------------"
if ($InstallationResult.ResultCode -eq "2") {Write-host "  Installation Succeeded" -foregroundcolor green}  else {Write-host "  INSTALLATION FAILED, check event log for details" -foregroundcolor red}
if ($InstallationResult.RebootRequired -eq "False") {Write-host "  Reboot not required" -foregroundcolor green} else {Write-host "  REBOOT REQUIRED" -foregroundcolor red}
Write-host "--------------------------------------------"
Write-host ""
Write-host ""

$Title = ""
$KBArticleIDs =  ""
$SecurityBulletinIDs =  ""
$MsrcSeverity =  ""
$LastDeploymentChangeTime =  ""
$MoreInfoUrls =  ""

$UpdateLowNumber = $UpdateLowNumber + 1 
$UpdateHighNumber = $UpdateHighNumber + 1

if ($ProgressValue -lt $NumberofUpdates) {$ProgressValue = $ProgressValue + 1} 

$ComputerStatus = New-Object -com Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo
 if ($ComputerStatus.RebootRequired -eq 1) {cmd /c $env:WinDir\System32\Shutdown.exe -r -f -t 10 -c "Patching Complete."}

If you pay attention to this script, you will see you are opening up COM objects and such. So, you either need to bake your own binary or someone else's non-MSFT code (a la Wuinstall), or do the same amount of scripting in VBScript. You say Win23k Server, so I am not sure whether or not you have PS installed. If not, there is TechNet documentation to cure your ills.

Bottom line, Google is your friend. Keep that in mind before posting here. :-)