Is it correct to use this expression in an email: "Attached you may find ..."?

Is it grammatical to use the expression "Attached you may find ..." in an email? For example:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Attached you may find the documents you requested.


If this is proper, should there be a comma just after "Attached"?

Attached, you may find the documents you requested.

Solution 1:

Using the word may makes it sound like ...or you may not.

I would say:

Attached please find the documents you requested.

Solution 2:

I have used

Attached please find the documents you requested.

I don't tend to use commas where they're not required, though. It's pretty much a matter of style, as is the usage of you may instead of please.

Solution 3:

Yes, this is common and acceptable. I do not put a comma after "attached" in such a sentence. I don't think there's any grammatical reason to put a comma.

I often write something more like, "I have prepared the report you requested, attached." This is technically grammatically wrong. I guess it's really an abbreviated version of "I have prepared the report you requested and have attached it to this email" or some such. But it's done quite often and is widely accepted.