How to auto-adjust the resolution of a Windows 7 VM using VMware Fusion?

Download the VMWare Fusion 2012 technology preview, this issue is fixed in that release.

I'm using VMWare Fusion 5.0.3. With vmwaretools installed, it's very easy to change the resolution on the Windows VM:

  • go to Virtual Machine > Settings > Display
  • there is a checkbox Use full resolution for Retina display
  • uncheck it and the vm changes back to normal resolution.

Edit ~/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/preferences file by adding following lines:

pref.autoFitGuestToWindow = "FALSE"
pref.autoFitFullScreen = "stretchGuestToHost"

pref.autoFitGuestToWindow = "FALSE" disables auto fit for Single Window mode. pref.autoFitFullScreen = "stretchGuestToHost" disables auto fit for Full Screen mode.

You can also use the following command to set the resolution:

C:\Program Files\VMware Tools\VMwareResolutionSet.exe"  0 1 , 0 0 1920 1440