=if() function is not working like it should be

Solution 1:

Troubleshoot the formula step by step. Start with a simple


and copy down. If the result shows TRUE for all rows, then your source data is the problem. You may have text that looks like numbers.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Check to see if your data is formatted as a number value or as text. If it is formatted as text, then the comparison F17>0 will always evaluate to TRUE.

enter image description here

The workaround is to use the VALUE() function in your formula.

enter image description here

In your case, you'll want to use the following formula:


Of course, beware that some of the other cells you reference may contain text-formatted numbers as well, so adjust accordingly.

Solution 3:

Unnecessary complexity tends to make things harder.  For starters, you've got a pair of parentheses that you don't need.  (And, by the way, spaces make things easier to read.)

                                     ↓                        ↓
=IF(F17>0,  (ABS(D17)/100*G16)+G16,  (G16-((ABS(D17)/100)*G16)) )

is equivalent to

=IF(F17>0,  (ABS(D17)/100*G16)+G16,   G16-((ABS(D17)/100)*G16)  )

A trivial rearrangement yields

=IF(F17>0, G16 + (ABS(D17)/100*G16), G16 - ((ABS(D17)/100)*G16) )

and at this point the common terms are jumping off the page.  The above can be simplified to

=G16 + IF(F17>0, (ABS(D17)/100*G16), -((ABS(D17)/100)*G16) )

and hence to

=G16 + IF(F17>0, 1, -1) * (ABS(D17)/100)*G16

and now another set of parentheses becomes redundant:

=G16 + IF(F17>0,1,-1) * ABS(D17)/100 * G16

And guess what:

=G16 + SIGN(F17) * ABS(D17)/100 * G16