No internet connection in Virtual Machine on selecting NAT in VMWare workstation

Solution 1:

You don't need to necessarily reinstall VMware. You might lose custom config and preferences, if you do so.

Here is a simple fix

  • Edit > Virtual Network Editor

enter image description here

  • Grant Admin Privileges

enter image description here

  • You shall see all network adapter to configure, tweak those to your needs
  • If you don't know what those are, simply click Restore Defaults

enter image description here

Solution 2:

I resolved the problem. Though the solution seems to be pretty lame.

I observed that VMware DHCP service had stopped running and was not restarting at all, no matter what I try.

So I had to uninstall and re-install VMware workstation to make it run.

After reinstallation, I started getting internet with NAT adapter.

But I'm still not sure why the service was not starting.

Solution 3:

In my case, it was VMWare NAT service that was not running. I started it by going to services.msc and the internet started working on the guest VM. In the Virtual Machine Settings, choose NAT as Network connection.

Solution 4:

I too had faced the issue, took a long time for me to figure out what was wrong. Finally all I did was to start the DHCP Service from the task manager which was stopped and it worked fine.

task mangaer VMware services -DHCP