Left/Right Audio Balance Locked Together on Bluetooth Headphones

I'm using Windows 10. I'm a bit deaf on one side so I need to change volume balance of my bluetooth stereo headphones in Window's settings.

For some reasons, recently the L/R volume controls become locked together on these same headphones. It had been working fine in the past. I tried reinstalling the headphones from device manage but that didn't help.

The stereo is working when I press "test" under window's sound settings.

SetVol is a free command line program I wrote that may help you out.

It allows you to change the balance between the channels on an audio device. The first channel is usually the left speaker, the second channel the right speaker.


Hope it will be of help.

To add to Rob's answer, I've written a batch script that can be run in the background to fix the L/R volume balance. By using this script the balance can be maintained at a constant ratio even if you set the master volume to 0 and then back up again.

set i=0
for /f "delims== tokens=2" %%a in ('SetVol report') do (
    set /a mastervol=%%a
    goto :setbalance
SetVol.exe %mastervol% balance 100:40
goto loop