Relative performance of x86 inc vs. add instruction

Quick question, assuming beforehand

mov eax, 0

which is more efficient?

inc eax
inc eax


add eax, 2

Also, in case the two incs are faster, do compilers (say, the GCC) commonly (i.e. w/o aggressive optimization flags) optimize var += 2 to it?

PS: Don't bother to answer with a variation of "don't prematurely optimize", this is merely academic interest.

Two inc instructions on the same register (or more generally speaking two read-modify-write instructions) do always have a dependency chain of at least two cycles. This is assuming a one clock latency for a inc, which is the case since the 486. That means if the surrounding instructions can't be interleaved with the two inc instructions to hide those latencies, the code will execute slower.

But no compiler will emit the instruction sequence you propose anyway (mov eax,0 will be replaced by xor eax,eax, see What is the purpose of XORing a register with itself?)

mov eax,0
inc eax
inc eax

it will be optimizied to

mov eax,2

If you ever wanna know raw performance stats of x86 instructions, see Dr Agner Fogs listings (volume 4 to be exact). As for the part about compilers, thats dependent on the compiler's code generator, and not something you should rely on too much.

on a side note: I find it funny/ironic that in a question about performance, you used MOV EAX,0 to zero a register instead of XOR EAX,EAX :P (and if MOV EAX,0 was done beforehand, the fastest variant would be to remove the inc's and add's and just MOV EAX,2).