How can I fix "The creation of swap space in partition #6 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sda) failed" while installing Ubuntu?

Edit: Updated my question with screenshots

I have a 500 GB built-in hard disk.

I have 3 primary partition.

C: - 100GB - Primary Partition - Windows 7 installed
D: - 150GB - Primary Partition
E: - 100MB - Primary Partition - System Reserved For Windows
250GB - Unallocated Space

Please note, I already have a ubuntu installation in my windows 7(wubi) Problem is I have ubuntu 13.04, but I need 12.04 LTS.

So I decided to install ubuntu 12.04 LTS in my 250GB Unallocated space

I downloaded ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso from official ubuntu site. I burned that in my 8GB transcend flash drive using ubuntu 13.04 built-in start up disk creator.

I booted my pendrive using boot manager. I selected "install ubuntu", then selected "Something else" option.

I created a Logical partition with size 240GB (ext4 - path /). I also created another 10 GB Logical partition for Linux swap.

Everything's fine so far. However, I'm unable to proceed.

It says error something like The creation of swap space in partition #6 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (sda) failed.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with my steps?

Thank you.


I have added some screenshots to make my situation clear.

1) Free space 247GB available

enter image description here

2) New logical partition with 237GB

enter image description here

3) After 237GB partition 10 GB Free space available

enter image description here

4) Create Linux swap with 10GB

enter image description here

5) Both partition look like this

enter image description here

6) When I click install button, I got this error

enter image description here

7) When I click ignore button, I got this error again

enter image description here

8) When I click "ok" button, I got redirected to this page

enter image description here

9) I restarted my PC, did the same steps again.. This is how it looks like now

enter image description here

10) When I click install, I got this error

enter image description here

11) So I edited my partition and selected "Mount point"

enter image description here

12) Now it looks like this

enter image description here

13) When I click install button, I got this error again.

enter image description here

Is it really a bug with linux 12.04.3 or am I missing something?

Solution 1:

Okay! Don't make a Logical Partition. Why? It may install fine, but when you decide to upgrade to a later version of Ubuntu, it "may" (or may not) alter your partition table and you "may" (or may not) end up losing data. (I've experienced it.).

The solution? Use the entire free space for Ubuntu, and create a swapfile later. Check this for the process: Use swapfile instead of partition and hibernate

Please create swap 1.5 times your RAM if <2 GB, 4GB if =3GB and 100-200MB more than RAM if >3GB. Don't "waste" 10GB HDD space.

P.S. Why is your /dev/sda1 'unknown'? If it's a Windows partition, it should've been of the 'type' ntfs. Boot into Windows or the Live DVD and see if the partition is usable. Delete it if not so.

Solution 2:

Try this once.. Hope it works for you..

  • Boot from pre-installed Ubuntu 13.04.
  • Using gparted on un-allocated space create an Extended partition.
  • When a new Extended partition will be created then divide it by creating two Logical partitions one for Ubuntu 12.04 installation and one for your Swap.
  • So after creation of extended it would show:

    • /dev/sda4 : Extended. under that
      • /dev/sda5 and
      • /dev/sda6.

    Result may vary also but should be in same format.

Just give it a try. Then try to install Ubuntu on pre-formatted partition. Note that the Format?option should be unchecked during the installation, so that it will not try to recreate the partitions made by Gparted.

Yes Ubuntu will be upgraded to newer newer version. I installed Ubuntu 12.04.2 then upgraded to 12.04.3, I'd installed using this way.