Present Perfect and Past Simple in the same sentence [migrated]

I wanted to check with you if I have translated the following correctly:

"I moved to Italy 5 years ago and I have opened a restaurant there"

From the text, I understand the subject still owns a restaurant there so it makes sense to use present perfect in the second part of the sentence. The thing is, this school exercise is about past tense, so I wanted to be sure I have a valid point :-) Thanks

"I moved to Italy 5 years ago and opened a restaurant there."

If the opening of the restaurant coincided with moving to Italy, the simple past is appropriate as the act of opening that restaurant cannot be repeated. Although it is possible that the restaurant has since closed, the listener will assume it is still running unless the speaker clarifies.

If the restaurant was opened more recently:

"I moved to Italy 5 years ago and I've [just] opened a restaurant there"

The listener will understand that the speaker is the current owner of a restaurant in Italy. The act of opening a business occurred at an unspecified point in time in the past whose effects continue into the present. In other words, the speaker's focus of attention is on the present.