One word for "ask advice", "seek counsel" [duplicate]

I hope I can _____ your experience/wisdom/intuition.

Is how I would like to use it.

What verb could fit here and carry the meaning of, "I hope I can ask you advice informed by your wisdom" for example. "Because of your wisdom, I hope you will grant me your advice."

It seems like "appeal to" almost fits, "query" also almost fits but doesn't have any "seeking advice" connotation (and might sound too interrogative?). For some reason I feel like "defer to" should fit.

What about


to go to somebody for information or advice



to ask somebody for something, such as support, money or information; to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something

[Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary]

I hope I can enlist your experience/wisdom/intuition.

enlist (v.)

[With object] Engage (a person or their help or support)

The company enlisted the help of independent consultants Lexico

If you enlist the help of someone, you persuade them to help or support you in doing something.

I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbors to get it out of the yard! Collins

In your case, it is apparent that President Nixon could well enlist your experience, and your influence in Congress, to help rebuild the relationship of confidence and cooperation between President and Congress which should ... letter from Eugene Rostow in US Congress; Nomination of Gerald Ford to be Vice President

I particularly will not enlist your aid in solving my own problems. Harold Rose; Hypnotherapy in Clinical Psychiatry

I would enlist your knowledge, your ideas, in securing for my people... E. Flint and ‎G. Barber; 1636: Mission to the Mughals

... the Committee has long advocated the wisdom of enlisting the assistance of those organizations in effecting the wides possible dissmention of information relating to the process of decolonization. Studies on Developing Countries

For long, technical, or high stakes documents, enlist a partner to help with proofreading. Ashan Hampton ; Proofreading Power

When done by the day, ask how many hours the driver considers a day to be; it might be only three or four. If your Spanish is weak, enlist a desk clerk to help you make the deal. Carl Franz et al.; The People's Guide to Mexico


take (a word or idea) from another language, person, or source and use it in one's own language or work

from Oxford Dictionary of English.

I think idiomatically in this kind of context:

I hope I can borrow your wisdom.

It also means something like "please share with me"/"please help me out"("can I borrow you?").

This word doesn't really mean "ask advice".