How to auto-arrange/clean-up files for ALL folders in OSX Mountain Lion

I have figured out how to make folders auto arrange their contents. This is achieved in Finder->View->Show View Options (or cmd+J).

From the newly opened window, setting the arrange by dropdown will set the folders behavior from then on. But it is only for the folder this menu was opened in. How do I set this as a Finder rule for all directories?

I am using Mountain Lion - 10.8.2
I don't have a 'Use as Defaults' button in my view panes - here's a screen grab:

enter image description here

If you select Use as Defaults from the view options panel, Finder will use those settings as defaults for all folders that don't have folder-specific settings stored in .DS_Store files.

You can clear the folder-specific settings by running sudo find / -name .DS_Store -delete && killall Finder. It also resets other view options, resets the positions of icons, and deletes Spotlight comments.