How to find the IP Address of a vm running on VMware (or other methods of using VM)

First Go in the Virtual Machine Settings.

Found the MAC address

Then in the Network Section, click the Advanced button and read the MAC address

Then in the console execute: arp -a

C:\>arp -a
Interface: --- 0xb
  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type           b8-ac-6f-cb-a1-80     dynamic           78-2b-cb-aa-51-bf     dynamic

Interface: --- 0x1c
  Internet Address      Physical Address      Type        00-0c-29-56-bd-36     dynamic        ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff     static

Found the MAC address and the IP will be on the side.

In this case the IP is:

Please check, if not those input devices are connected to the guest OS as USB devices? Once disconnecting them, they should become accessible to the host OS - and therefore operational.

on Linux the command is:

ip addr

or the rather obsolete:


the equivalent command on Windows is:

ipconfig /all

while the output looks about like that:

eno16777984: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
    inet netmask  broadcast

There is a built-in VNC service in Workstation. I've not used it, but the config (below) would seem to suggest that you could enable it, and use your host's IP with a particular port with any of a number of VNC clients to gain control of your virtual machine.

VMWare Workstation VNC Config Setup

On Windows 7,

  1. Copied the MAC address to the clipboard
  2. Open C:\ProgramData\VMware\vmnetdhcp.leases in Notepad
  3. Search for the MAC address string.

Don't know about Linux, but in Windows you could …

  1. Add another network interface to the VM, which will be using VMware DHCP to assign a known IP to your VM. You should set up VMware DHCP to a very short address range and it will be easy to pick the IP (also would be problematic to check, because default Windows firewall settings don't allow incoming echo requests... But you're not Windows)

  2. Try to pick the subnet where your VM is, put another PC to the subnet (another VM or your physical PC) – and use Computer Browser service ("Network" or "My Network places") to find the VM.

You should also look for network scanning software.

By the way, what's the VM network mode? Host-only private network (with or without NAT) or bridged?