How to check if a Socks5 proxy works

Solution 1:

If you created the proxy by yourself you should first of all check whether there is an open port (the p argument only works if the concerning process is yours or you are root):

netstat -tlnp

This should give you a line like: (I have a proxy on localhost:8888)

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

If you found such a line or the proxy isn't yours, try sending packets through it. For example request a web page with curl:

curl --socks5 localhost:8888

Should output some HTML stuff. Hope this helps to search for mistakes ;-)

Aux: For my example I created the proxy via:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -D8888 someone@somewhere

Replace someone with your username and somewhere with your destination server. Of course using OpenSSH is just one method in a bunch of possible socks5 proxies.

Solution 2:

To get curl to resolve the DNS on the other side, change --socks5 with --socks5-hostname.

See the man page for more info.