View attendees of a meeting which I already accepted in Outlook 2016

How can I see who is attending a meeting to which I have already accepted an invite to ?

I can see who the invite is sent to before accepting, but not after.

enter image description here

I can see the times etc and the organizer, but not the other people in attendance.

I have tried double clicking the event, cannot see any options or information on attendees.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

You can just open the event and click the Scheduling Assistant button (in your second screenshot) to view other attendees:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

If you have Outlook Social Connector, you can see meeting attendees via the People Pane:

enter image description here

To open the People Pane, click on "View > People Pane", and then "Normal" inside the main Outlook window.

Solution 3:

You can also click "Respond" then "Reply To All". Outlook will create an email populated with the participants. You can then discard the draft. (Office 365)