Phrase for the sickness experienced when once a most favorite perfume or song or food desired feel disgusting after repetitive use/listening

You could describe it as being surfeited with the substance. Lexico defines the verb as

Cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it to excess.

with the example

‘I am surfeited with shopping’

So you could describe yourself as "surfeited with strawberries" or "surfieted with Chanel No5".

Being surfeited is usually a temporary condition but it is possible for the aversion to be permanent.

In Medieval and Renaissance times it was quite common for people to be diagnosed as having "died from a surfeit of something" usually a delicacy. Personally I think these were probably cases of food poisoning diagnosed as a surfeit because the offending item was vomited up before death.

This does lead, however, to Duke Orsino's soliloquy at the start of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night beginning

If music be the food of love, play on,

Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,

The appetite may sicken, and so die.

Twelfth Night Act 1, scene 1, 1–3