Looking for synonymous expressions for - to throw someone away like a used toothpick

In my native (Georgian) language we have this colloquial saying - throw someone away like an eaten apple, meaning- to get rid of someone after having taken advantage of him/her in a dishonest way.
I have come across a few such sayings in English as well, like- to throw someone away like an old rug or used toothpick or spit someone out like a cherry stone, etc.

I have a question, are there any other such sayings and which one is used more frequently in English?

You could try:

Cast aside like an old glove

Discarded like trash

Tossed aside like an old sweater

There are probably more commonly used expressions, but I think you could get creative with this one if you wanted to!

See: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus/cast-something-or-someone-aside