Interpretation of H. P. Lovecraft's racist poem [closed]

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

In Jove's[1] fair image Man was shaped at birth.

The beasts for less important roles [in the life of the planet] were next designed;

Yet were they too remote from humankind.

To fill the gap, and join (= provide a link between) *the rest [of the life forms] and Man[kind],

Th'Olympian[2] host [an army; a crowd] conceiv'd a clever plan.

[1] Julian. Jupiter, or Jove: In Roman mythology, the king of the gods and equivalent to Zeus in Greek mythology

[2] Lovecraft has made a mistake. Jove was a Roman god. It was Zeus, with the other Greek gods, who lived on the sacred Mount Olympus in Greece - hence "Olympian". ("Olympian" can mean "of the abode of the gods" but here, it is simply confusing.)